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    How to charge and ritualize amulets to help us!

    Charge and ritualize

    We can use any of these rituals to charge our amulets and talismans.


    Place the amulet on the clean white handkerchief, expose it to the light of the full moon for an entire night.

    Charge and ritualize your amulets


    The amulet is placed in the middle of 3 white candles and left until the candles burn out. 

    While the candles are lit, we must constantly ask that the amulet be charged with what we want.


    Seawater can be used both to clean our amulet and to charge it. To do this, just go to the beach and wash it on the shore.

    Ritualize with incense

    Depending on what the amulet is for, it must be exposed to incense smoke:

    Amulet for love: rose, jasmine or strawberry incense.

    Amulet for money and work: cinnamon or vanilla incense.

    Amulet for health: rose, carnation, lavender or honeysuckle incense

    Amulet for protection: dragon blood incense or special evil eye incense

    Load with a special pyramid

    There are a series of metal pyramids that are used to carry magical utensils. We can find them in specialized stores.

    What to do when an amulet or talisman breaks?

    It is important to know that when an amulet or talisman breaks, it should never be repaired. All its pieces should be collected and buried in a garden, thanking it for its services and help. We will bury him carefully and then, placing our hands on him, we will pray an Our Father. Giving thanks to Him for having made available to us one of the tools of His creation.

    If your like this article, I recommend you to have a look «Amulets for Money«.
